A new project, FLEXnCONFU, has been awarded by the European Union (H2020 project 884157) for the recovery of off-peak power. Ammonia will be produced during off-peak power generation periods in a plant located in Portugal. The chemical will be used to support the generation of power during peak consumption periods. Natural gas blends will be evaluated in combination with hydrogen to reduce carbon footprint whilst minimising storage costs. The project, worth €12.6 M ($14 M USD), will set the first demonstrator of its kind worldwide. Cardiff University will lead the works of the Combustion package. In collaboration with the universities of Orleans, Eidenhoven and Louvaine, and the companies Rina Consultancy, Engie and EPD, the program will evaluate various blends fundamentally and under representative industrial applications. Results from SAFE will support even further the findings required for retrofitting of large gas turbines running on ammonia and hydrogen. Further information about FLEXnCONFU can be found elsewhere (www.flexnconfu.eu).

SAFE (UK funded) will run in parallel to FLEXnCONFU, thus supporting some of the critical fundamentals for retrofitting of large scale gas turbines and a demo site fuelled with ammonia.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 884157.
